[Gnome-print] Re: Pango font API problems, gnome-print

On 16 Sep 2001, Owen Taylor wrote:

>    void          pango_font_description_clear_mask (PangoFontDescription       *desc,
>    PangoFontMask               to_clear);

What does this do?

>  * Also added were a number of convenience functions for manipulating PangFontDescription:
>    gboolean pango_font_description_better_match (const PangoFontDescription *desc,
>                                                  const PangoFontDescription *old_match,
>                                                  const PangoFontDescription *new_match);

What is this?

> Questions:
>  * pango_face_get_style_name() is a bad name, because we've already (following CSS)
>    used style to mean normal/italic/oblique. GnomePrint seems to use 
>    "species_name" for this purpose. A bit confusing, but perhaps less so
>    than using "style" to mean different things.
>    "get_name" and "get_face_name" don't strike me as good alternative names
>    since they imply a name that specifies the face within all available faces, not 
>    the face within the family.

subfamily_type? :/
>  * Are functions like pango_font_description_set_family_static() worth including.
>    They do save a significant number of string copies. On the other hand:

I think it's somewhat important.
>     - For the internals of Pango (pango_itemize(), etc), the same effect could
>       be solved with an internal API 
>     - The pursuit of efficiency to the following ugliness the pango_attr_iterator_get_font() 
>       docs:
>      * @desc: a #PangoFontDescription to fill in with the current values.
>      *        The family name in this structure will be set using
>      *        pango_font_description_set_family_static using values from
>      *        an attribute in the #PangoAttrList associated with the iterator,
>      *        so if you plan to keep it around, you must call:
>      *        pango_font_description_set_family (desc, pango_font_description_get_family (desc)).

Can you not add pango_attr_iterator_get_font_static() ?
/ Alex

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