Re: What needs to be done for Evolution/gnome-pilot to work with 0.12.x?

> What are the main reasons for the Evolution/gnome-pilot conduits (is 
> it gnome-pilot or Evolution that's the problem - I'd think 
> gnome-pilot) not working with pilot-link 0.12.x?

	Both... gnome-pilot has its own framework, and then there's 
the EAddress/ECalendar/etc. backend of Evolution (or was that rolled 
into Evolution Data Server now? I've lost track..) 

> I've been working on a few Evolution conduits (since they need major 
> work done on them), so I was thinking I might have a look at how to 
> update them for the new pilot-link API.

	Check the past month or three on the gnome-pilot mailing list, 
there are/were some people actively working on patches and porting 
pieces over to make it work right... with limited success.

David A. Desrosiers
desrod gnu-designs com

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