Re: More (probably stupid) about gpilot-install-file.

On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 01:41, Mark Healey wrote:
> 1) For multiple files, are they comma separated, space 
> separated or what?  What if the filename has a space.  Can I 
> use wildcards?

Each file is a separate command-line arguments.  At a shell
prompt, this means whitespace separated, and you need to quote
any white space in filenames:

gpilot-install-file --later file1.pdb "file with spaces.pdb"

> 2) If you run it more that once with the --later option 
> between hotsyncs will the files from the second time be 
> added to a queue or will the bump the files from the first time.

It would probably have been quicker to do the experiment.
Files to be installed should be queued -- that is, you
can run gpilot-install-file multiple times between syncs.


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