Re: Are you the owner of gnome-pilot


Would you like to take the time and trouble to review my patches? Because we want to contribute to Gnome community ASAP.

BTW, Are you using IRC? If yes, what's your channel? Then I can get you to discuss the patches using IRC.


jijun yu wrote:


 Thanks a lot for your replying .
 I filed 6 bugs (#322903--#322908) using bugzilla. And the corresponding
patches which work fine on Solaris are also attached. Please check if they
can be commit into communinty soure codes.

-Jerry JP Rosevear wrote:

On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 15:51 +0800, jijun yu wrote:
Hi,JP Rosevear
  I'm a developer from SUN Microsystems and I'm responsible for
Palmsync project which uses gnome-pilot. I have some patches to fix the
bugs for Solaris. And I think the similar bugs probably produce on
Linux. So I want to check my patches into gnome-pilot which comes from

  Are you the owner of gnome-pilot? If yes,are you interesting to
review my patches?

I am currently the gnome-pilot maintainer, though I have little time to
maintain it currently.  I can try and review some well defined patches.
Its best if they go to bugzilla, thats where I look when I have the


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