Pilot file conduit

I am running evolution 1.4.4 from KDE 3.1.3 under Mandrake 9.2, trying
to use a Handspring Visor Edge - USB

I have some PDB & PRC (palm program & data) files I wish to install on
the Pilot (well Visor Edge to be precise).  an example would be the
qsheet.prc files from Cesinc (part of the Quick office suite) which add
spreadsheet capability to the Pilot.

The File conduit (Tools.Pilot Settings) describes itself as "installs
files on the Pilot". The only settings offered via evolution are
"action" and "one time action" I beleive the File Pilot is part of
gnome-pilot rather than evolution.

Trying to use pilot-xfer the auto-magic mounted /dev/USB/tts/0 & 1 are 
grabbed by Evolution. Preventing the setup of links, which in turn would
enable external tools (such as pilot-xfer)to be used.

evolution does not offer to choose from which dir files are installed. I
may be missing it, but I can't find it in the documentation.

Could someone tell me which directory I need to use? or where to find  
suitable documentation please?


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