Visor 180 and syncing


It seems that the problem with the treo and the syncing is related to /proc/bus/usb/devices file.

(I am using the latest versions of the software, and I am using Linux, with kernel 2.5.70).

I put some debug informations to the visor_devices_in function, and it seemed that it sometimes fail to detect treo (I saw my visor's parameters in the gpilotd.c and in /proc/bus/usb/devices if the sync putton was pressed).

I put a "visor_exists = 1;" line before the "if (visor_exists)" line, and it seems to be working fine once in one gpilotd's lifetime.

It works well if I start gpilotd from command-line, but I have to exit from gpilotd with ^C.

Do you want me to make more debugging on my hardware?


Szabó Balázs (dLux)
              Isten óvja a kepernyőt! God save the screen!

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