How should I install and configure conduits?

Hi All

I would appreicate if anyone could give me some hints about the following problems

I have installed gnome-pilot on my Redhat 8.0/Gnome 2.0. And When I launched the gnome-pilot from start menu (marked as Pilot/HandSpring Tool in the menu item), gnome-pilot has also successfully retrieved my Palm username and ID.

And my question is: How can I install and configure conduits? After the first retrieving, I run gpilotd-control-applet in the /usr/bin. What I got is a GUI with three tabs: Pilots, Devices, Advanced. I just find no place to add conduits and configure conduits. So, should I configure it somewhere else such as a configration file.

Besides, I also donwload the latest gnome-conduits and successfully compiled it. I got several new .conduits file in its share/gnome-pilot directory. How can I add these conduits into gnome-pilot and configure them?



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