RE: More questions about installing gnome-pilot on RH6.1

First of, if you using anything older than 0.52 upgrade. Hopefully
we'll release a new version soon to address some of the newer
problems. Howerver nothing that you describe below is actually a
problem as far as I can see. See below for explanations.

Lars Lundgren writes:
 > Thank you for your help so far, but I'm still stuck.
 > Now, when I start gpilotd-control-applet as root, I go through a few
 > questions, but when I finally press the sync button on my Palm Vx nothing
 > happens.
 > I have created a link /dev/pilot pointing to /dev/ttyS0.
 > The dialog in front of me has a "next" button that is greyed out, but when
 > I press return I move to a screen that says installation complete or
 > something similar. (I assume this is a small GUI bug).

That's correct and as it should be. When you go thruogh the initial
questions (druid setup) it's just a one time thing. When you press
sync during that process it is *only* to get/set ID and User name so
that future syncs can connect. No actually data syncing is going
on. After you press the "Finish" button you should also press the "OK" 
(not Cancel) button on the capplet. After this is done the link is
setup, but all conduits are disabled by default. So you need to go to
individual conduit capplets (soon to be replaced by one common one)
and enable/setup the ones that you are interested in.

After the above steps are done you can just press hotsync button to do 
the regular sync. You can also optionally add Pilot Link applet to the 
panel which will monitor sync's progress and display progress
information. It is usefull to use that applet, because it also makes
sure gpilotd is restarted every time you reboot/relogin

Let us know if anything in above process is counter intuitive.

 > This works:
 > [root@gbg2 /dev]# addresses /dev/cua0 
 > here I get the addresses in my adressbok when I press hotsync.
 > when I try addresses as a normal user I only get 
 > pi_bind: Permission denied
 > When I as a user starts gpilotd-control-applet, it complains about read
 > write permissions on /dev/pilot.

You as a user need to have read/write permissions to /dev/cua. What
does "ls -l /dev/cua0" show? probably that it only has rw permissions
by root? You can either change permissions on it to be rw for
everyone, change its ownership to your username or change it to rw for 
the group and add your username to tty group (that's for RedHat at
least). The last one is probably most security concious thing to do.

 > Why does not gpilotd-control-applet get contact with my palm, and how do I
 > resolve the permission problems (Of course, I want to use gnome_pilot as a
 > normal user).
 > Can someone help me?

Trying to. ;)


 > /Lars L
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