Re: Why sync for each conduit setting?

On Fri, 14 Jan 2000, Dan Hensley wrote:

> > > This is really annoying.  Why do I have hit the synch buitton everytime
> > > I switch conduit windows in gnome-help?
> > You mean gnomecc, not gnome-help ? Press the synch button ? You shouldn't.
> > The only capplet that interacts with the pilot is pilot-link. What excatly
> > are you doing ?
> The one time I did get my pilot to sync (by the way, I have a Palm IIIe, in
> case that makes any difference), I saw exactly the same thing.

Dudes, this isn't helping me much ; You saw what ? You where doing what ?
Which windows ? The synch button on the cradle ?


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