Re: GnomeCal syncronization screwy

On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Scott D. Webster wrote:

> 	I'm running PalmOS 3.3.  The dates on my Palm and GnomeCal just don't
> match at all.  For instance, for Jan. 9-15, my Palm has:

Try triggering a first sync case. To do this, disable the gnomecal
conduit, press ok, then reenable it. This will make the conduit do a
SlowSync to ensure that changes between disabling and enabling are found.

> while GnomeCal only has the "Estimated Income Tax" event on Saturday,
> with a time of 12:00am - 11:59pm.

It has 00:00 - 23:59, as gnomecal does not support No-Time events, an
unfortunate shortcomming which is being addressed.

You mailed me a copy of the DateDB file and usercal right ? I can't find
it now, if you where the one, could you mail me again.


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