Re: gpilotd crashes all the time when sync'ing via IrDA

> But, I could also need some help with setting up the irda. Can anyone
> send me a step by step list of what I need to do to set it up ?

	Make sure you get irdautils, and compile the support into the
kernel, and then use the script I wrote below to enable/disable it. It's
cake after that. Your port will be /dev/irnine. I am using IR now for ppp,
syncing, upgrading the OS, and lots of other goodies. I've even had httpd
running on the palm over a masq'd IrDA session. Neato stuff. 

To set up pppd over IR, use the following: 

/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/irnine 57600 local   \
                           ms-dns netmask \
                           persist passive noauth debug persist      \
                           -detach asyncmap 0                    

 case "$1" in
         # Start IRDA 
         echo -n "Starting up the IR modules"

         modprobe irda

         insmod irlan
         insmod ircomm
         insmod irda_deflate
         insmod ircomm-tty
         insmod irport
         insmod irtty

         irmanager -d /dev/ttyS3
         irattach /dev/ttyS3 -s

         echo "Done."
         echo " "

         # Kill IRDA 
         echo -n "Stopping IRDA and removing modules"

         killall -9 irmanager irattach
         rmmod irtty irport ircomm-tty irda_deflate ircomm irlan irda

         echo "Done."
         echo ""

         echo "Usage: {start|stop}"
         echo " "
         exit 1


 exit 0

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