Re: Thoughts about short-term work

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 wrote:

> > Yes. All code from libsock/sync.c is additions and include/pi-sync.h is
> > the header file for this.
> Can I use this code?  Is it "clean?" and free of the license problems?

Clean meaning working, yes, but not complete, I still have to add the
Archieving stuff. And reg. licensing, since it uses some code fragments
from pilot-link it's GPL'ed. 3Com should not be able to kill it by saying
"paraphrasing" enough times, since I've never looked at their SDK.

> The only problem with this is that inheriting from Gtk would require us
> to link with gtk (and all of it's dependencies.)  It would, however,
> clean up the code greatly, and make Conduit writing much pretier.

Thats true, but at using an approach, since people have probably gotten
used to it, and we like it :-). While you're at it, if you'd like to hack
the makefiles so it doesn't good looking and linking with god knows what
(esd and friends), please do.

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