Re: Status of pilot-link

Hi guys...

  I am sorry I disappeared from the face of the earth - more pressing
RH business lately.

  I am anticipating that we will have at least me and maybe another member
of the Labs here available soon to knock out some gpilotd issues. I haven't
been able to follow everything closely at the source level. What would
help us, if you have time, is to spec out a component or two that
really need someone to sit down for a few days solid and slug out.  If 
possible, it would be nice if we didn't have to spend a week getting up
to speed, but if that is necessary then we try to do what we have to.

  Its very important to our long term goals to have a single user level
of integration of the pilot tools.  I want someone to be able to install
Red Hat, configure the port and speed/etc of their single Pilot, and start

  I understand this is somewhat different then your goals of a server which
allows multiple people/pilots to be handled.  I don't really care for
that, BUT I'm certainly not opposed for that mode of operation. However,
it would really help us to understand what is needed for the single user
mode to be complete and start getting used.

Thanks for all your efforts, I am hopeful we can be helpful...

Dr Mike

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