
(sorry about the broken previous message -- accidentally sent it --
stupid sloppy focus...)

I am working more on the address conduit -- mostly trying to get
gnomecard CORBAfied.  I would like to change the API a little.  When
the CORBAfied branch of gpilotd gets finished, we should pass in a
CORBA_ORB to conduit_get_gpilot_conduit.  Each conduit should not
create it's own orb, but use the pilot's.  In addition, gpilotd should
register itself with the name server so the capplet can find it when
started up.

Also, now that I (think) I have a much better handle on conduit
writing, I'm writing a blank template for other conduit authors to
copy/look at.  I have some questions on this (mostly what do some
specific SyncAbs functions do...) so I'll send them here later...


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