Re: Moving to a more distro/host agnostic setup for the canonical spec files.

On Sat, 2003-01-11 at 14:58, Paul Jenner wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 09:15, Yanko Kaneti wrote:
> > Here is a packaging/spec idea I'll throw at the wind to seek some
> > general reaction and possibly action.

> However - I am not sure how the approach of distributing custom macros
> in a required separate package compares to simply cleaning and
> standardising the specs then distributing them self-contained. In other
> words, I have the gut feeling that a well written spec should be able to
> build on any system without the user having to install an entire
> separate package of macros first. GNU doesn't require that a user has
> installed autoconf and friends to build autoconf-based software - they
> designed autoconf to be used by the maintainer prior to distribution so
> the user would only have to run a system independent script to configure
> the software. A similar approach with spec files would be nicer if
> possible.

Sounds like a valid alternative approach. 

  I think that ideally the existing autosetup should include all the
details which would be needed by a autopackage/autospec sort of tool. 
But constructing such a tool today and making the modules compliant to
this setup seems like quite a bigger task than just touching one
and taking care of bunch of outside scripts.

  Just my gut feeling....the idea is admirable tho.


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