
Ok I was trying to compile a newer evolution tonight and ran into a
problem I frequently have with libs associated with evo. If I upgrade it
affects several other apps that use the same libs (dependency). So I
hacked a first spec file to partially resolve the problem. This splits
gal into gal, gal-devel and libgal with the libgal being the bit I need
to retain. Based on similar ones that Ximian uses.



PS If I run into the same problem with GtkHTML (I suspect I will) I'll
also post that

Name:            gal
Summary:         The G App library.
Version:         0.9.1
Release:         1
License:         GPL
Group:           System Environment/Libraries
BuildRoot:       /var/tmp/gal-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root
BuildRequires:   gnome-libs-devel, libxml-devel, gdk-pixbuf-devel
BuildRequires:   gnome-print-devel >= 0.22
BuildRequires:   libglade-devel >= 0.13

Reuseable GNOME library functions.

%package devel
Summary: Libraries and include files for the G App library.
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires:   %{name} = %{version}
Requires:   libgal8

%description devel
The gal-devel package includes the static libraries and header files for the
gal package.

Install gal-devel if you want to develop programs which will use gal.

%package -n libgal8
Summary: The GNOME Application Library
Group: Libraries/System
Requires: gal

%description -n libgal8
Reuseable GNOME library functions.

%setup -q

./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \
    --libdir=%{_libdir} --datadir=%{_datadir} \
    --includedir=%{_includedir} --enable-static --enable-shared


mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}

make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix} \
    sysconfdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir} \
    libdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} \
    datadir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir} \
    includedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir} install 


%post -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig


%files devel
%defattr(-, root, root)

%files -n libgal8
%defattr(-, root, root)

* Fri Aug 31 2001 Chris Lyttle <chris wilddev net>
- Split into gal and libgal

* Mon Jul  9 2001 Gregory Leblanc <gleblanc cu-portland edu>
- made gal-devel require gal, DUH
- added build dependancies

* Sun Jun 10 2001 Gregory Leblanc <gleblanc cu-portland edu>
- changed Copyright to License
- fixed configure, make install, and %files to use RPM's built-in file
  location macros 

* Thu Mar 15 2001 Matthew Wilson <msw redhat com>
- the -devel package must own the /usr/include/gal directory and all
  its contents

* Fri Oct 10 2000 John Gotts <jgotts linuxsavvy com>
- Created spec file.

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