
Well, I got invited to the party by Hallski, so here I am.
I think I'm going to follow the discussions a little bit to get to know 
what the plans are.

Two comments on some of the threads that have been going on :

a) as to package format, I personally prefer RPM but realize that this is 
mostly because of familiarity.  I could probably be swayed to debian 
(since I realize that lots of people here will need to concede on this 
point :)).  I'd have to be very convinced about the merits of another 
system (like gentoo or derived versions).  And I'd have to be even MORE 
convinced of a totally new.  
In my opinion, anything that can be borrowed from an existing distribution 
is a lot of work saved for us.  This is not just about the packaging 
format, but also about the great number of packages already available for 
us to customize on, and the amount of knowledge already in people re: 
packaging issues.

The thing that would make me have doubts about debian however is the fact 
that it's still very user-unfriendly, and the lack of a good GUI installer 
has always been a problem for debian.  I'm not sure if that'll get solved 
any time soon since it's already been so long coming.

As a side question : what archs are you planning to support ?

b) defining the userbase.

I'm a big fan of not reinventing the wheel, so I'd want to know personally 
how this distribution would differ from other stuff out there to see the 
bigger point.

In particular, where does it differ from :

* ximian
* elysium

So I'll just lay back and follow the discussions for a while.



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