Re: here i come !

<quote who="Mikael Hallendal">

> Yes, we very much want ALSA. Can the Debian binary packages be configured
> to use ALSA instead of OSS or do we have to rebuild them with ALSA
> support?

There are alternative packages.

> Another thing I was thinking about was to use Jorns patch to get libgnome
> use GStreamer instead of esd. GStreamer can be somewhat painful to setup
> but if we integrate it well in the platform the user will just have it
> working. It would also be cool if we could get the GStreamer guys
> interested in the project which would make them help integrate it as well
> as possible.

Hell yes! Thomas would be a good candidate - he'd be interested in this.
I'll let him know next time I speak to him.

- Jeff

                  It's not a disease, it's an occupation!                   

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