Re: getting the ball rolling

> Therefore, we should narrow our focus so that we may be fairly confident
> that we have a shot at releasing something worthwhile within a year's
> time. (That does not imply rock-steady, ready-for-primetime. It implies
> at-least-ready-for-preliminary-deployment).

I couldn't agree more with that. Getting a sufficiently stable base
version out which can be used to base further development on is a must.
Certainly due to the limited amount of developers and/or resources that
or available for this project. However, when this base version is
available, other people will be inspired by the enthusiasm more easily
since it will not be vaporware anymore.

Geert Bevin             Uwyn
"Use what you need"     Lambermontlaan 148     1030 Brussels
gbevin uwyn com         Tel & Fax +32 2 245 41 06

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