[discuss] Announcement : Starting UNO-CORBA bridge development for GNOME-desktop integration

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From: Joerg Budischewski <joerg budischewski germany sun com>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 12:58:47 GMT
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I would like to announce, that Juergen Schmidt and I have started the
development of an UNO-CORBA bridge. 

The main goal is to get a CORBA-bridge that supports all features 
necessary to communicate with the GNOME desktop ( see www.gnome.org ). 
The component model used in GNOME is BONOBO, which is built on top of 
ORBIT, an open source CORBA ORB (Object Request Broker). A CORBA-UNO 
bridge would e.g. allow to script OpenOffice with a GNOME scripting 

The secondary goal is to develop a 'generic' CORBA-UNO-bridge, that 
allows to communicate with an arbitrary ORB. This would allow OpenOffice 
to seamlessly integrate into any CORBA environment.

However, bridging UNO and CORBA is no trivial task, as both component 
models are based on different fundamental concepts. Therefor we want to 
write down the ideas about how to deal with these fundamental differences 
before beginning implementation. We have therefor setup a webpage :


It currently contains only some aspects we will have to deal with. The 
document is supposed to grow rapidly during the next weeks. Any input on 
this from the community is very welcome.

Any follows-ups please 


Greetings, Juergen and Joerg

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