[gnome-no] FOSDEM (16-17 februar 2001 i Brussel)

FOSDEM arrangeres i Brussel, 16-17 februar 2002.  Jeg var der i år,
og vurderer å dra nedover igjen, gjerne sammen med andre GNOMEr. :)

Se <URL:http://www.fosdem.org/> for detaljer.

-- Ole

Do I have to announce the speaker now ? OK, as you are all waiting to
know who it is, I'll announce it...

Miguel De Icaza, the Gnome project founder and leader, has accepted to
come to FOSDEM and to speak about the new Mono project.

For those of you who do not know what is Mono, Mono is
an effort to create an Open Source implementation of the .NET
Development Framework.


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