Re: [gnome-network][PATCHES] Remote Desktop Server

On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 08:11, Mason Kidd wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've given the Remote Desktop Server some love, and have a couple of
> patches to show for it.
> 1. gds-password.patch: Adds password support.  The password entry in the
> preferences dialog will save the entered password into a GConf entry. 
> The server will check the client-supplied password against this.  Fixes
> bug #128012 (patch is also attached to but).  I don't think that saving
> the password as a GConf entry in plaintext is a problem, since the GConf
> registry is only readable by the user.  Also fixes some compilation
> problems and client IP saving problems.
this is committed now

> 2. gds-popup-menu.patch: Modified the menu to use GtkItemFactory and
> fixed the About entry.
this is also committed

> 3. gds-clients-hig.patch: Fixes a segfault when
> opening/closing/re-opening the 'Clients' dialog.  Also makes some HIG
> changes to the dialog.
this one does not apply cleanly after the other two, so could you please
resend it?


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