Re: [gnome-network]GTransferManager Architecture

Rodney Dawes wrote:
> the notification area interaction, popping up a file-selector if need
> be, authentication dialogs, and similar other minor GUI tasks.

Is the user logged into the same machine from different displays? (a)
or is the user logged from different machines but sharing the home dir via NFS? (b)

What case are you refering to?

Also, how do you see it working? I think that in the first case the user should see the same list of downloads, I'm not sure about the second.

Also, the middleman should ask for interaction in all the displays, don't you think so? This way the user can type the password (...) don't matters the display he is using at the moment.

What do people think about this?

            +--> DISPLAY=:0.0 manager <--> DISPLAY=:0.0 front-end
back-end <--+
            +--> DISPLAY=:1.0 manager <--> DISPLAY=:1.0 front-end

Are you refering to the "a" or "b" case?

The graphic seems to make sense in the "a" case.

 > This is basically how the interaction would probably go, between the
different processes. I'd like to get any potentially useful feedback,
before fully implementing all of this. So, let's have it. :)

Yeah, really the daemon shouldn't be running more than once, and then one manager per display, each manager being a client doing the bits you tell:
> the notification area interaction, popping up a file-selector if need
> be, authentication dialogs, and similar other minor GUI tasks.

I don't understand what front-end means here? does it mean other clients? or the GUI for the manager?

I think other clients should talk to the daemon directly (trough the lib, of course). Do you think of any reason they shouldn't do it directly and do the communication through the manager?

Manuel Clos
llanero eresmas net

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