[GNOME-my] Information about Malaysian Location in gwether

Sorry for late discovery,

I've just browse the po-location at gnome-applets, and i found there are some mistake in "Locations.xml.in"
for WMKK, the name should be :-
  <_name>Sepang (KL International Airport)</_name>

Sepang is where the F1 circuit located.

Subang/Sebang/Sepang is actually confusing
Subang is old airport, Sepang is the new one, I dont know how "Sebang" exist

From all location listed at Locations.xml.in, only 2 location is in english.
for WMKM, the original name of the place is "Melaka", but however the english name of it is "Malacca". If translator policy to use the original name if the place doesnt have translation in his/her language,
i Suggest please use "Melaka".

3. There are 2 entry for WMKP
"Penang" and "Pulau Pinang" is same. Penang is English name, and Pulau Pinang is original name. I think we should delete one of them.

Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol)

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