RE: [GNOME-my][Fwd: Tonight: GNOME on The Linux Show]

On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 04:19, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> At 6pm pt, 7pm mt, 8pm ct, and 9pm et....
> Can someone translate that into like M'sian time.. I've not been able to
> make head/tail of that since day 1.

with all the junk i do with international folk, i find:

an invaluable resource. the meeting planner rocks! of course, a simple:

	date -u

will give you UTC time (well, GMT), and from there you can make
necessary calculations. and if you have a PDA there are several apps
that do this, though i'm not sure if they're free.

and to make this more GNOME specific,

	gworldclock - uses a GTK+ interface for timezones
	tzwatch - a CLI based app that keeps the format similar to gworldclock
(for the zone list)
Colin Charles, byte aeon com my

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