schedule for 0.8

Hi everyone,

We're rapidly approaching our deadlines here.  I want to get the ball
rolling and propose some sort of schedule.

I propose we cut a first 0.8 release by monday, in time for the second
gnome beta.  For Gnome, theoretically we shouldn't make any code changes
after that point without approval.  I'm sure some smallish bugs related
to installation and the move from 0.7 to 0.8 will still fall out, which
we can fix in time for the final GNOME 2.6 release which is scheduled
for March 22nd.

So, here's what I propose:

march 8th: 0.8.0 of core and plugins
march 22nd: 0.8.1 of core and plugins

For other modules, I hope us to get them all released for 0.8 as well,
starting from march 8th, and depending on how releasable they are.  This
also involves updating their minor number to .8 and testing

As for the bugs we should try really hard at fixing, I will go through
them again and come up with a list that we can focus on for this

What do you all think ?


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