Re: TotemCdSelection widget

On Tue, 2002-12-31 at 23:55, Todd Goyen wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would suggest making the TotemCDSelection widget independent of
Totem itseld and therefore xine. There could be some case where xine
wasn't installed on Gnome but a standard CD Selection widget would be

We're planning to move this widget to a Gnome multimedia library at some
point, with stuff like tags fetching, this CD selection widget, probably
some simple volume/mixer interface. You just have to cut'n'paste
cd-drive.[ch] and totem-cd-selection.[ch]

> Otherwise good work hadess and Bastien. I am going to write it into
Coaster Architect. hadess can you add a totem-dev pacakge to Debian when
you make the new release?

That's a bad idea. It's a cut'n'paste matter. And by the way, hadess and
Bastien are the same person ;)


/Bastien Nocera

#2  0x4205a2cc in printf ("Oh my %s\n", preferred_deity) from
/lib/i686/ printf ("Oh my %s\n", preferred_deity);
Segmentation fault

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