[gnome-mud] Hi

Hi all,

While in the midst of coding a mud client and looking at the gnome-mud
source for the umpteenth time I realized that all I was really doing was
re-implementing gnome-mud itself (a vte widget with a pretty window and
some socket stuff).

So instead of that I am hoping to get involved with the development of
gnome-mud itself ;)

> Is this diff against 0.10? We (mostly me :) is currently rewriting
> gnome-mud completely into using glade instead of direct gtk-code. This
> can be found in cvs under the "gnome-mud-glade-branch"-branch.

I was using glade for my own personal little client and had great success.
With glade 3 though code-generation is going the way of the dodo and 
libglade is being enforced as the only interface (instead of the preferred).

Not a big deal.

> I have the latest stable release. I don't know, how to access cvs, since the 
> project turned of web browsing in sourceforge.

Assuming CVS is installed...
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome co gnome_mud

Will do the trick.

Hope to help out if there's room for me.


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