Re: [gnome-mud] telnet failure?

On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 10:54:23AM -0800, David Fallon wrote:
> Hi, I just found gnome-mud, and tried it out with a tradewars game I'm
> playing. I can telnet to it fine from the console, but when I try w/
> gnome-mud, I get:
> *** Making connection to, port 23.
> *** Trying x.x.x.x port 23...
> *** Connection established.
> Failed to detect protocol.  Expected Telnet...*** Connection closed.
> while the commandline gives me:
> davef rake-l:tmp 109 > telnet
> Trying x.x.x.x...
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Telnet connection detected.
> Please enter your name (ENTER for none):
> I'm fairly sure it's a tradewars game server specific thing, but I was
> wondering if anyone's heard of this before, and have any ideas on how to
> debug it or otherwise resolve the issue.

This sounds like a mud doing weird stuff. If you don't say the address,
we probably can't do much about it, unless Abi or Vashti have some idea.

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi sindominio net     jordi debian org
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