Re: [gnome-mud] for the Spanish mud-players(para los jugadores españoles de muds)

Hi Suar,

On Sun, Dec 21, 2003 at 01:54:20AM +0100, Antonio Quintáns wrote:
> Hi you can modify the code of gnome-mud 10.2 for to run the mapper option 
> with spanish directions like "Reinos de Leyenda" or "Iluminado", it's easy.

Well, it's easy if you do it as you did it, but this doesn't scale too
well: what if French or German users want to add their own exits to the
array? Some way of making it configurable via a gui, or maybe gettext, is

> Suar jugador de reinos de leyenda

Nice choice of MUD ;)

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi sindominio net     jordi debian org
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