gnome-volume-manager and multiple users

I'm running Gnome 2.10.2 on a GNU/Linux system. I have noticed a few problems with tasks coordinated by gnome-volume-manager when running with multiple users logged into different X displays simultaneously, when both users are running Gnome.
For example: in that situation, if I put in an audio cd, gnome-cd starts 
on both desktops.  It only starts playing on one desktop, but the other 
process occupies all available CPU cycles until it's killed.  Because it 
can lead to system instability, I consider this to be a relatively 
critical bug.
Another example: when loading a DVD, it is unpredictable which desktop 
will start totem to view the DVD.
Do these count as bugs? Is this being worked on? should I file a bug 
report?  Is 2.12 going to be better?
I think the multiple-simultaneous-users feature is essential for Gnome to 
help supplant Windows when the Vista upgrade cycle comes around, and I 
want to assist in that project as much as I can.

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