Re: Cutting icon/file names

On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 01:38 +0200, Maciej Zarzycki wrote:
> Hi,
> I think, that cutting long icon/file names (like in windows, ends
> after, for eg. 20 letters, with "...") would by goog improvement,
> don't you think ??

No, because I often have files that have long file names (because the
purpose of a file name is to identify the file, so making it as
descriptive as possible is the best bet) with similar prefixes.  I
really won't have to have to confuse "Timeless Heroes of ..." and
"Timeless Heroes of ..." because the GUI went and decided that a huge
chunk of valuable contextual information was irrelevant.

If there are parts of the system where you feel that file name length is
not handled properly, please describe them.  It would be far more
beneficial, IMO, to correct those areas of the interface to handle long
names nicely.

Sean Middleditch <elanthis awesomeplay com>

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