Re: How can I create a top menu panel?

From: Daniel Poersch <danielpoe gmx de>

> > Right now, our approach is to remove all gnome related directories and
> > log in fresh.
> Well, I understand this isn't very nice. If your panel just disappear,
> it's likley that 'gnome-panel' died (for some reason) normally it should
> be restarted through 'gnome-session', bit if there's a bug ...
> You may look if 'gnome-panel' is running, the next time your panels
> disappear and (re)start it.

Thanks for the note.  While sometimes the problem is a top panel that disappears
during execution - the more frequent occurance is a user logging on and finding
no top panel available.  Logging back off and on again doesn't solve the issue.

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