Re: Gnome very slow

the code for a camel? here it is:


use strict;

print <<CAMEL;
      .--' |
     /___^ |     .--.
         ) |    /    \
        /  |  /`      '.
       |   '-'    /     \
       \         |      |\
        \    /   \      /\|
         \  /'----`\   /
         |||       \\ |
         ((|        ((|
         |||        |||
        //_(       //_(


----- Original Message -----
From: "Colin Charles"
From: "Paul Smith"
From: "Tim Peoples" <tim toolman org>
To: "Hoyt Bailey" <hoyt13 wiredok com>
Cc: "gnome-list" <gnome-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:26
Subject: Re: Gnome very slow
Gentlemen since you all ask basicly the same questions I chose to reply all
at once to reduce traffic.

> > Does your /etc/hosts file resolve localhost correctly?
> >
> > The first line of that file should be:
> >
> > localhost localhost

/etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost

> Along those same lines... you might want to check your /etc/hosts.conf

no such file or directory

> and /etc/nsswitch.conf to verify the order in which your machine is
> trying to resolve names/addresses.

password: files nisplus nis
shadow:      "       "        "
group:         "       "        "
hosts: files nisplus nis dns
bootprams: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files
ethers: files
netmask: files
network: files
protocols: files
rpc: files
services: files
netgroup: nisplus
publickey: nisplus
automount: nisplus
aliases: nisplus

Not very informative to me.
> If it wants to use DNS before looking in the local hosts file then
> I'd imagine you seeing terribly degraded performance if there really
> is no network configured.

>Have Camel, Will Code
I would really love to see the code  for a Camel.


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