2.4: How to specify directory in fileselectbox

Hi list,

i upgraded from 1.4 to 2.4 and i am still a bit unhappy with the fileselect box (maybe i am missing something :-))

For example, if i want to open a file with gedit, which is on an automounted directory, i cannot browse the directory. There is no way to type the directory name and hit a "filter" button to view the contents. Also, sometimes it's just easier to type the directory name (maybe even with cut/paste form a different window) than to click may way through the directory tree.

Other fileselect boxes (motif, amaya, ... ) have a "filter" button.

I just can't imagine that the Gnome fileselect box is that limited in functionality. Am i missing something?

Thanks for any insight,


Heinrich Rebehn

University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :            -3341

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