Re: Open gnome-terminal with fixed size

* Mariano Suarez-Alvarez <msuarezalvarez arnet com ar>:

> This can be used in launchers on the desktop or panels. To globally
> change the default for the terminals launched my the
> /Applications/System Tools/Terminal menu, you'd need to edit the
> gnome-terminal.desktop file. Finally, the default 80x24 comes from the
> file GNOME_PREFIX/share/vte/termcaps/xterm, which is a termcap file.

Thank you. I changed the 80x24 in the termcap file to globally change
the default size. This is easy, because I am the Administrator and only

Changing the .desktop file was no option because I start gnome-terminal
serveral ways (hotkey, icon). That is why I searched for a global

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