Re: video thumbnailing topic number 2

On Sam, 2003-10-04 at 03:23, Jason Ang wrote:

> From: Mario Vukelic <mario vukelic dantian org>

> > > On Mit, 2003-10-01 at 09:32, Jason Ang wrote:
> > > I read reviews and saw that Gnome 2.4 is capable of video thumbnailing.  I
> > > used garnome to upgrade my Gnome 2.2 to 2.4.
> > *Upgrade*? Did u install _over 2.2? Bad idea
> > > I installed Totem, installed
> > > gstreamer, nautilus-media and all.  But when I get to nautilus views, only
> > > choices are list and icons.  Nothing that says anything about video
> > > thumbnails.
> > I have no views either, it just works. Thumbnailers should be listed in
> > gconf: gnome->desktop->thumbnailers. Be aware that they eat *lots* of
> > CPU
> If using garnome to upgrade to 2.4 isn't the right and best way, what other
> way do I have? 

I was just alarmed by you using the word "upgrade", because it sounded
like you installed (as root) into and over you system's directories.
What target directoy did you install Garnome to? Installing into
/home/<user>/garnome (the default of Garnome and recommended if you will
be the only user on your machine to use Garnome anyway. This way you
won't have any permission problems and you can install as your regular
user), or something like /usr/local/garnome (in this case, make sure the
user who installs has the right permissions in /usr/local) is ok.
Installing into /usr is a bad idea, and that's what I (maybe wrongly)
suspected you may have done.

>  Do you suggest install redhat without gnome and use garnome
> to install gnome?

The distribution's gnome installation and Garnome are parallel
installable. I.e., you can keep RH's gnome installed without a problem,
provided you install Garnome to /home/<user>/garnome or similar as said

>   Should I install without X?  Or do I install X with KDE?

You keep your distribution's X installed, otherwise Garnome won't
compile. Having KDE installed is not needed, but won't hurt either.

> How much cpu power is *lots*?  I'm using a PIII 1.0 with 256 MB memory.
> Would that be tolerable? 

Probably ok. Still, my P4 2.4 GHz is pretty much maxed out CPU-wise when
I save a couple of new videos and the thumbnailers are busy. This lasts
from a couple of minutes to hours depending on the video size, number of
new videos etc.

>  Also, do you think it might be because it's an
> upgrade that's why it may not be enabled by default?

If "upgrade" means you installed Garnome to /usr, anything may happen
and may or may not work. If you installed to a separate location (as
said above) it should simply work. At least it did for me

>   Further research told
> me that Gnome 2.2 already supports this, but when I installed Redhat 9.0, it
> doesn't show.

I don't know about RH, I use Debian

> What distro are you talking about that has this enabled by
> default? 

Don't know

>  What other dependencies did you install?

Dependencies for RH 9 are listed here. Maybe you are missing some.

You should also have a look at the mailing list archives of Garnome, and
maybe subscribe

> Where can I find gconf: gnome->desktop->thumbnailers   ???  Am new to linux
> (NEWBIE :-)  )

gconf is the gnome 2.x configuration system. It can be accessed using
gconf-editor (in Applications menu -> System Tools -> Configuration
Editor. Then in the left pane go to gnome->desktop->thumbnailers) or
using the command line

regards, M

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