Re: building gnome-hello for book

On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 04:14, kevdig rcn com wrote:
> Thanks for the tip. It complains about
> ./macros/ missing. The gnome-hello module has no
> modules directory. Anyone know why? This (the gnome-hello
> module) is supposed to be a sample for the book. Shouldn't the
> intent be for it to build easily?

At one point it did build easily. That was in the days when GNOME 1.x
was current and that version of gnome-hello was relevant. These days,
GNOME 1.4 is completely unsupported, so keeping backwards compatibility
with it is not being done by anybody.

The problem with the macros directory is that it was imported as an
extra module via the CVSROOT/modules file, rather than included in
gnome-hello. In order to make gnome-hello a clean example for GNOME 2 it
was probably removed, which inadvertently broken the 1.4 version (see
"unsupported", above).

Unfortunately, there is no blindingly easy solution to this problem at
this point. It is not a common problem (you are the first person to
mention it on these lists), so I think that you may just have to wear
the inconvenience. After all, the GNOME project as a whole has not
committed to not obsoleting the GGAD book.

Sorry, this is not good news for precisely what you want to do. But you
should still be able to get a lot of benefit from that book even without
being able to exactly follow the gnome-hello build (modulo having to
port everything over to the GNOME 2 infrastructure for any serious use).


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