Re: changing the gnome volume panel applet

On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 10:44, Azrael wrote:
>  If I open the full volume control I have 3 sets of important sliders to
>  handle the volume.
>  vol, pcm and ogain.
>  vol handles front speakers
>  ogain handles rear speakers
>  pcm handles volume for everything
>  Now, to the gnome panel applet volume slider, when I use this it changes
>  the position of the 'vol' sliders.
>  It would be nice if I could set 'vol' and 'ogain' to max, and use the
>  gnome panel applet volume slider to change the 'pcm' settings.
>  Is there a way I can do this?
>  many thanks
>  -- 
>                  Azrael
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I think there's a way to load the default (or modified default) settings
for the gnome-volume-control - so you might want to check into that - 
Here's the basic usage:

Usage: gnome-volume-control [OPTION...]
  --load-modules=MODULE1,MODULE2,...     Dynamic modules to load

Help options
  -?, --help                             Show this help message
  --usage                                Display brief usage message

Application options
  --device=STRING                        Mixer device to use

  --gdk-debug=FLAGS                      Gdk debugging flags to set
  --gdk-no-debug=FLAGS                   Gdk debugging flags to unset
  --display=DISPLAY                      X display to use
  --screen=SCREEN                        X screen to use
  --sync                                 Make X calls synchronous
  --name=NAME                            Program name as used by the
  --class=CLASS                          Program class as used by the
  --gtk-debug=FLAGS                      Gtk+ debugging flags to set
  --gtk-no-debug=FLAGS                   Gtk+ debugging flags to unset
  --g-fatal-warnings                     Make all warnings fatal
  --gtk-module=MODULE                    Load an additional Gtk module

Bonobo activation Support
  --oaf-ior-fd=FD                        File descriptor to print IOR on
  --oaf-activate-iid=IID                 IID to activate
  --oaf-private                          Prevent registering of server
with OAF

GNOME GConf Support

GNOME Library
  --disable-sound                        Disable sound server usage
  --enable-sound                         Enable sound server usage
  --espeaker=HOSTNAME:PORT               Host:port on which the sound
                                         to use is running

Session management
  --sm-client-id=ID                      Specify session management ID
  --sm-config-prefix=PREFIX              Specify prefix of saved
  --sm-disable                           Disable connection to session



HTH mate!

Wed Jan 15 11:15:00 EST 2003
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