Re: panel, metacity, etc

Julien Olivier wrote:

Le mar 25/02/2003 �5:52, Sean Middleditch a �it :
On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 01:13, Ben FrantzDale wrote:
There hasn't been a response to this in a few days...

I'm not sure what the answers are but I'm sure someone on this list

On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 07:05, Moses McKnight wrote:

I have a couple of questions.

First, is there a way to configure metacity to remember window sizes and positions like sawfish does?
I've heard of complaints about this too. I'm thinking it may have been
debated before. Does anyone know if it has and if so when and where?
No - the decision is that it's not Metacity's job.  If the app supports
Session Management, it should do it on its own.

There is an add on - "Devil's Pie" or somesuch, that adds this feature
for those who'd rather use broken apps with a hacked up WM...

I don't know which add-on you're talking about but I submitted a patch
to bugzilla which _fixes_ it by using a default size for apps that save
their size stupidly. I think this kind of hack is needed because broken
apps include OpenOffice, Mozilla, Evolution and Nautilus... which are
not far from being the most important apps on anyone's desktop.

Nautilus saves window position per folder, which is one reason why I'm somewhat against doing this in the wm. From my perspective I think it would make much more sense for at least document apps to save window location per document, so that when you open a file from the file-manager it always opens in the same place.


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