Controlling window behavior

Hello All,


I have just recently upgraded to Gnome 2.? from 1.4 and am trying my hardest to use it but am finding it quite impossible. I didn’t use 1.4 much either because I found KDE much simpler and more intuitive than Gnome, so I simply used what worked. I really would like to use Gnome, but find that as in the case of 1.4, nothing seems to work as advertised.


In particular, the right mouse button does not lead to the window menu, and neither does Alt-spacebar as specified in the docs. Instead the right mouse button seems to focus any window not current but beneath the cursor. I am simply trying to move a window to a different workspace, so I look through the docs and find that the key binding for this action is Ctl-Alt-*_arrow, but this fails to cause anything to happen either. I then decide that Gnome must in fact be configurable, so I begin looking for configuration programs. Starting with the Gnome menu and choosing Applications->Desktop Preferences->Advanced->Sawfish->* in an attempt to change the behavior of the window manager leads to nothing. After selecting each item presented in the list (i.e. moving and resizing windows) the hierarchical menu selections simply disappear with no useful configuration program launched.


This time around I was very careful to follow the installation instructions exactly. I downloaded all the rmps for my version of SuSE (7.3) from their ftp site, then did an rpm –U *.rpm in the download directory, resolved all dependency issues by locating the various required packages, then finally completed the update. I was however quite disappointed to find that the resulting desktop manager behaves nothing as advertised, and for all intents and purposes, is completely inaccessible to me as the configuration utility menu selections do not seem to launch any useful programs.


This cannot be the way Gnome 2 was intended to work! What am I doing wrong? How might I fix it?



Trying hard not to choose KDE yet again…


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