Re: xscreensaver question

On Wed, 31 Dec 2003, Donald Henson wrote:

> As I recall, this was a coding error in the SuSE 9.0 distro. SuSE
> published an update at least a month ago which fixed the problem. If you
> do an update from SuSE, your problem should go away. Better, set up YOU
> to do automatic updates so you don't have to do it manually.
> On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 16:11, Trevor Cullingsworth wrote:
> > I read the mailing list post below and was wondering if anyone had a
> > solution to this problem.  I am experiencing the exact same problem.
> > 
> > I am running gnome 2.2.2 and xscreensaver 4.12 on a SUSE 9.0 system.

> > My XScreenSaver daemon stops running after use. After I log on, I can
> > manually activate XScreenSaver once (lock screen). The next time I try
> > to use it, nothing happens. I can then go to the XScreenSaver
> > configuration. It will give me the following error message:
> > 
> > Warning: The XScreenSaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display
> > "0.0". Launch it now?
> > 
> > If I click the OK button, XScreenSave will again work once, after which
> > I have to go back to the configuration to restart the XScreenSave
> > daemon. Can anyone help? I use "lock screen" a LOT.

I have a similar problem - but on RedHat 7.3 with Ximian Desktop 2.
The console works fine.  But on LTSP terminals (or any remote X display -
I have also tested from a RH7.2 system running XFree86 4.1), the Lock Screen
button doesn't work at all (nothing happens).  If I go to XScreenSaver config,
I get the error message as above.  However, even after launching it,
Lock Screen still doesn't work.

Should I try to rebuild or replace the xscreensaver package?  Where
should I get a newer/fixed version? 

			Stuart D. Gathman <stuart bmsi com>
      Business Management Systems Inc.  Phone: 703 591-0911 Fax: 703 591-6154
	"[Microsoft] products are even less buggy than others, in terms of
	    per capita usage." - Steve Balmer, Microsoft Corporation

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