Re: gnome-terminal <end> and <del>

On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 05:13:10PM -0400, Skip Morrow wrote:
> Just installed RH 9.0, and now my <end> key and <del> keys don't work
> any more in the gnome-terminal.  I tried adjusting some of the
> keybindings, but obviously I didn't adjust the right ones.  Anyone know
> how to fix them?

I am probably not going to be able to solve your problem, but let me ask
the obvious question that everybody will wonder about:

What do you mean by "don't work"? They do not send anything? They send
different keycodes from before? Other? I can imagine a number of
different breakages that can occur, so it will help if you can supply
more information.


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