Re: Re: Problems with gnome2 after upgrade ( Red Carpet Snapshot )

Steve Cresawn <scresawn ufl edu> schrieb am 21.10.02 17:18:01:
> I'm having the exact same problem, also with Redhat 7.3.  I also traced
> it back to nautilus.  I "fixed" the problem by downgrading the the
> 10/13/2002 snapshots.  However, using this set of snaps, all the
> nautilus icons are screwed up.  Every icon has been changed to the
> generic one, in my case a blank piece of paper.
> Steve
> > Hi:
> >      I'm tried to install Gnome2 from the latest snapshot from Red Carpet.
> > My system is Red Hat Linux 7.3. All upgrade seems to go ok, but after
> > restart the box, and once I informed the login/password in the gdm, all I
> > can get is the Gnome2 Splash screen. I can run applications from console
> > exporting the display env. var., but some apps seems to not work properly
> > ( i I execute nautilus &, nothing happens ).

same problem for me and Gnome-1.4 desktop after update (RedCarpet Gnome-Desktop channel)
After login desktop icons appear and disappear imediatly, also background disappears.
removing nautilis competely "rpm -e nautilus*" and re-installing by GnomeDesktop channel of RedCarpet  solves the problem.

Cheers, Frank
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