Problem with font sizes in gnome2 after kernel upgrade


I doubt that I'm the first one to hit this, but I've been trying to
figure out what happened for most of the day now and have drawn a
complete blank with all the google searches that I could think of...

Here's the situation:

Installed RedHat 8 and started using the new environment.  A little
different, but no major issues.  Once I got sorta "settled" with the
environment it was time to start making things work on my notebook that
didn't work with the stock kernel.

Long story short, I downloaded the 2.4.19 source, applied the 2.4.19-ac4
patch and the acpi patch, built the new kernel, rebooted, and logged
back into the machine.  So far, so good.  Started evolution again and it
had forgotten my settings.  This used to happen with the 4.x netscapes
after a kernel upgrade too to some degree (you'd have to agree to the
license stuff), but no big deal.  Then, I started galeon and started to
view sites... the fonts on almost every web page were taking up about
1/3 of the 1024x768 screen for the height of the characters.

It seems to have affected everything because when I did a make xconfig,
the tk buttons were so big that the entire window wouldn't fit on the
display!  The fonts for tk weren't huge, but they are in certain strange

My question is does anyone have any idea why this might have happened? 
Seriously, I'm sorry if this is something that is obvious, but I've
certainly missed it...  It also doesn't make a difference if I
subsequently boot with the original kernel.

Basically, it has made the web browsers and tk very difficult to use on
my system due to the monster fonts.  Any suggestions or assistance would
be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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