Re: Debug execution of application in Gnome 2

On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 02:14, dballester kernpharma com wrote:
> Hi again:
> First of all, thanks to Ben for the info about how debug gnome apps, it's a
> very usefull info for me ;).
> Now, other things related to my gnome-terminal problem. After read the gdb
> mail from Ben, first  I tried to run the gnome-terminal launching it from
> text console exporting before the env. var DISPLAY with my local_ip:screen
> of the Xserver. The first time the gnome terminal started well, i exited
> from it with the exit command inside the gnome-terminal window and launched
> again from the same console text, and 'crashed' with this warning
> "GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from `GdkScreenX11' to GtkWindow'.

Can you reproduce this error while running within gdb? If so you should
get a gdb prompt at which you can run `bt' to get a back trace. Please
post that to this list or to bugzilla.


> After this, starting again from text console goes ok, but if I repeat the
> operation few times, in some cases crashes with the same warning and
> another times goes well.

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