Re: Minimizing all windows

On 2002.06.14 12:42 Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero wrote:
idstewart compuvative com (2002-06-14 at 1208.13 -0400):
> In windows, you can right click on the task bar and one of the
> is to minimize all windows, exposing the underlying desktop.  I've
> looked through both the gnome-list archive and the Gnome User's
> but was unable to find any reference to similiar functionality.
> Is this possible, either within the context of Gnome, Sawfish window

> manager or XFree86?  Are there other window managers that support
> Gnome and this 'minimize all windows' functionality?

Sawfish command iconify-workspace-windows, can be bind to a keycombo
or "launched" (button, menu, script...). Dunno if in configured by
default (wrong defaults never ending story, maybe).

Thanx GSR!  Alt-d now minimizes all windows in the current workspace.

For those wondering how to accomplish this without delving into Lisp code, launch the Gnome Control Center, under 'Sawfish window manager' select Shortcuts then click on 'Add'. This will bring up the 'Edit Bindings' dialog. Click on the 'Grab...' button on the top and enter the key sequence to be bound. Under the 'command', select 'Iconify workspace windows'. Click the 'Ok' button and you're good to go.

Thanx Again,

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