Re: Gnome2 Mailing List

On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 12:09:58AM +0100, Mark Cooke wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry if this is the wrong list, but I'm trying out Gnome2 on my RedHat
> 7.3 box, and I was wondering if this is the correct list for Gnome2
> support?
> I saw a few other lists on referring to gnome2, but they all
> seemed for developers only, as I have got 99% and want some advise on
> some programs that won;t compile and what options and setting I _should_
> have in my menu's.

This is probably as good a list as any. It might be useful to mention in your
messages that you are using GNOME 2 each time, so that people don't get
confused (and/or possibly put GNOME 2 in the header).

Maybe one of the list admins could come up with some ideas in this
respect (/me pokes TCurtis and Telsa). :)



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