Re: file type problem

On Thu, 2002-01-31 at 18:04, David Whitmarsh wrote:
> I have gnome 1.4 running under redhat 7.2. In the gnome control center I
> have set the file type handler for html files to be galeon, but if I
> double-click on an html file in gmc it runs mozilla. I have also set my
> URL handler for http to be galeon and that works correctly.
> Any ideas?

One of the oh-so-confusing aspects of GNOME 1.4 configuration: file
types only applies to Nautilus. To configure such functionality in gmc,
you need to use the mime types panel.

> David
> -- 
> David Whitmarsh
> Sparkle Computer Co Ltd
> Systems Development and Consultancy
> UNIX/LINUX/Windows, C/C++/perl/java Sybase
> web:
> mob: +44 (0)7802 537097
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