Re: paint application for lines and shapes

On Tue, 2002-02-05 at 14:47, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:

> Hi, I am looking for a paint application similar to PPaint on the amiga,
> or an plugin for the gimp that allows me to draw filled and non-filled
> square, circles and lines .

In the Gimp:

Lines: click at start, shift click at end... line. Keep shift clicking
to keep adding lines from the last point.

Squares (unfilled): Rectangle selection tool, selection to path, stroke

Squares (filled): Rectangle selection tool, paint in it with a large

Circles (unfilled and filled): As above, but use the circular selection

*____*  Renze de Ruiter <renze ihug co nz> <renze openverse com>
(_/\_)  Linux Registered User #111137
: ~~ :
`.  .'  Never ask a geek "why"; just nod your head and back away slowly.

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